Date Sun, Dec 10, 2023


The IELTS test is increasingly being used as a measure of English language proficiency by employers and universities in the UAE. Academic writing skills in the IELTS UAE test are of utmost importance as IELTS is now widely recognised as a measure of English language proficiency by employers and universities in the UAE. Therefore, UAE residents should demonstrate strong writing skills to enhance their chances of securing a job or pursuing higher education opportunities that require advanced language skills. However, mastering the specific conventions of academic writing that yield high IELTS scores poses distinct challenges, even for proficient English speakers who have grown up within the educational system and socio-cultural context of this region.

Writing in the IELTS test

The writing section of the IELTS test assesses the examinee’s ability to compose two well-organised essays within 60 minutes – an advanced skill set that most UAE students have not received sufficient training in in the local curriculum.

Task 1 involves analysing a table, chart or graph of data and summarising the main information, patterns or trends in at least 150 words. The global average score for Task 1 is 6, indicating a good selection of data for review and a clear description of its significance, although there are occasional grammatical errors.

Task 2 requires an argumentative essay of 250 words or more to develop an argument to address a broad issue or opinion. This requires a high level of evaluation and criticism. The global average of 5.5 reflects essays with a central position and some supported argument, but limited vocabulary or logical development of main points.

To achieve a score of 7 (Very Good User) or above on any of the tasks, examinees must use a wide range of vocabulary and complex language structures to communicate accurately, coherently and fluently. Their writing must demonstrate good organisational flow and critical analysis of ideas from a range of perspectives.

IELTS Test Review

For English speakers educated in the UAE, there is significant difficulty in developing strong academic writing skills at various stages of their education. In schools, international curricula prioritize content knowledge over language or creativity, and limited paragraph-length writing tasks are provided. The prevailing passive learning culture focuses on textbooks and repetitive exams, with little analysis or unique expression expected in the tasks provided.

Local universities now use entrance exams such as IELTS , but undergraduate programmes similarly focus on teaching principles rather than applying the critical thinking needed to write persuasively and logically. Consequently, Emirati students arrive at graduate school with little training in writing extended pieces based on strong arguments or supporting data in academic English.

Furthermore, cultural influences related to authority and maintaining group harmony influence attitudes that work against achieving high scores on IELTS writing tasks that rely on thinking, clarity and individual voice. Consequently, candidates may have difficulty formulating clear positions, presenting multi-faceted arguments or articulating original points of view that are expected to achieve high scores.

Challenges faced by Emirati candidates in the IELTS UAE test:

UAE residents seeking to achieve the highest IELTS Writing scores face obstacles throughout their academic journey, from the limitations of childhood language exposure to entrenched cultural perspectives. In public schools, there are few native English-speaking teachers to model the subject’s high-level, specialized vocabulary, complex sentence structures, and academic argumentation styles. Local teaching focuses mostly on textbook material, often with explanations in Arabic, rather than interactive discussions or analytical essays. From an early age, a skills gap is created compared to global standards.

Furthermore, in the UAE’s collectivist society, debate, brainstorming, or questioning others’ points of view is less culturally encouraged. Such engagement and critical thinking are central to achieving IELTS Writing scores. Understandably, for some IELTS candidates who grew up in the UAE, producing compelling personal arguments or unique points of view is a challenge.

Finally, IELTS Academic examples with a band of 7 or above are rare in everyday settings compared to English-speaking contexts. Therefore, exposure during preparation to highly valued, properly structured writing samples that match test expectations is limited. Without models and examples like these that demonstrate the vocabulary use, development of ideas, and analytical depth of the imitation, it is difficult to bridge the gap subconsciously.

In short, UAE residents compete with less favourable conditions throughout their lives to gain experience in academic English writing conventions. But additional targeted IELTS practice can shore up weak areas.

Examples in IELTS:

The scarcity of strong examples of high-scoring IELTS writing available regionally exacerbates the inherent barriers students face in developing advanced English essay skills and aligning them with global standards. Without effective models that demonstrate what a 7+ writing level looks like in structure, development of ideas, technical precision and command of vocabulary, Emirati learners lack the ability to intuitively absorb them. They may understand the principles but unconsciously imitate insufficient models to demonstrate high proficiency to examiners. Targeted exam preparation resources can fill this gap. Exposure to successful essay models that reflect a variety of topics and match logical and lexical complexity allows for intuitive understanding of conventions. Focused practice then builds subconscious habits of professional writing.

Strategies for Building Academic Writing Skills in IELTS UAE

Specialised courses, expert teachers and exam materials are the resources that international IELTS candidates benefit from and that UAE students now also need to succeed. The aim should be comprehensive development that covers the essentials.

Vocabulary and accuracy

To achieve full vocabulary building and grammatical accuracy to IELTS standards, it is essential to expand vocabulary and practise sentence structure and construction. For example, daily word lists to memorise, objective tests to reinforce retention and grammar lesson reviews. Grade 7 writing demonstrates sophisticated and precise language control.

Analytical techniques

Skill building should include reading high-quality sample articles to absorb organizational templates for analyzing graphs or developing well-supported arguments. Mini-practice assignments on graphs and article summaries are also useful for applying such analytical strategies . Enhancing the ability to understand and present ideas and relationships logically is vital.

Discussion and critical thinking

Emirati societies often shy away from openly opposing others, while writing a high-scoring IELTS test requires doing so diplomatically. Focused training in embracing perspectives, debating techniques, and questioning assumptions helps develop the flexibility to express different points of view. Building cultural awareness and English confidence to formulate personal ideas also enhances the improvement process.

In short, a multi-faceted development programme tailored to the local needs of IELTS test takers in the UAE gives them the best chance of mastering native-level academic writing skills. Expert teachers who are familiar with the specific barriers can turn weaknesses into strengths through these targeted interventions to achieve higher scores.

The role of the platform in improving academic writing skills for the IELTS UAE test : plays a significant role in improving academic writing skills for IELTS. The platform offers specialized training courses and programs designed to enhance students’ writing skills specifically for IELTS. Here are some of the ways contributes to improving academic writing skills for IELTS UAE:

Comprehensive Writing Modules: offers comprehensive writing modules that cover all aspects of academic writing required for the IELTS test. These modules focus on different types of writing tasks, such as essays, reports and letters, and provide guidance on structure, coherence and vocabulary use.

Guidance from experts: The platform offers instruction from experienced teachers who are familiar with the requirements and expectations of the IELTS test. These teachers provide valuable feedback and guidance to help students improve their writing skills and meet specific standards for IELTS writing tasks.

Practice exercises and sample essays: provides practice exercises and sample essays to help students develop their writing skills. These resources allow students to practice different writing tasks and learn about appropriate writing style and language for the IELTS test.

Time Management Strategies: also focuses on teaching effective time management strategies for the IELTS Writing section. Students learn how to plan their writing, allocate time for each task, and organize their thoughts to maximize their productivity during the test.

Test Strategies and Tips: The platform provides valuable test strategies and tips specifically designed for the IELTS Writing section. These strategies help students understand the assessment criteria, manage their time effectively, and structure their responses to meet the requirements of the test.

Overall, the school platform offers a comprehensive and targeted approach to improving academic writing skills for the IELTS UAE test. Through its specialized courses, expert guidance, practical exercises, and personalized feedback, the platform equips students with the skills and strategies needed to excel in the writing section of the IELTS test.

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